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Therapy for Bereavement.


Our society is not always comfortable acknowledging and talking about death. We don't talk about it enough. Yet, to be human means we will likely experience the death of a loved one during our lives. Grief is a natural process and universal experience. 


However, despite grief being universal, our individual experience of grief will be unique, depending on lots of factors, including our relationship with the person who died, how they died, our support systems, our mental and physical health, and how we tend to cope with and express our thoughts and emotions. Even though grief is a natural process, it can be difficult and painful, and impact us in many different ways. 

There is no right or wrong way to grieve.

There are no set stages to work through, no checklists, no map, only your unique experience.

There are no timelines. Grief lasts forever, but it changes with time. 

What does grief feel like? 


You might experience all sorts of thoughts and feelings after someone dies, all of them are natural and ok, despite often feeling very big, painful, and sometimes strange. 


After the death, you might feel disoriented, bewildered, and anxious as you try to understand what has happened and what this might mean for your future life without them. 


You might feel shocked, even when the death was expected. It can be hard to imagine that the situation is real, and difficult to see the world and others continuing with life as you experience such significant loss and change in your life.


Sometimes people describe huge waves of sadness coming over them. You might feel tearful, you may sob and feel overwhelmed with grief. You may feel a deep longing and yearn for your loved one to still be here with you.


You might experience irritability and a lack of patience and you may become frustrated with things that wouldn’t normally bother you. You might feel angry with family, and friends, God, the medical profession, or sometimes feel anger towards the person who has died. 


Some bereaved people feel guilt after the death of their loved one. You might wonder whether there could have been a way of changing what had happened if you'd done or said something differently. 


You might feel relief that the person has died and is no longer suffering. Or you may have had a difficult or abusive relationship with the person who died and feel relief that you’re now free to move forward. This relief can often feel troubling as you also didn’t want the person to die and miss them at the same time. 


Grief can be draining and exhausting. You may feel extremely fatigued and delicate. Grief is a physical experience as well as an emotional and mental one. You may feel physically unwell and your physical health might suffer as your body and mind are extrinsically linked.  


All these responses are common and natural, but grief can be lonely. You are not alone. 


Grief and bereavement therapy


Sometimes we can sail the choppy waters of grief without extra support. But sometimes, grief might feel like being lost out at sea in a terrible storm. For others, grief can feel intense and overwhelming, like a tsunami. Are you longing for a calm sanctuary?


As an experienced grief therapist, I offer a safe harbour amidst grief’s choppy waters. A safe and confidential space and dedicated time for you to explore your grief. You don't have to navigate grief alone. 

I have specialist experience in working with bereaved adults, children, and young people in a hospices and in the community and have undertaken specialist bereavement therapy training. 


Please get in touch if you would like to arrange support with your grief journey. You can expect a warm, non-judgmental, professional, and down-to-earth welcome. 


Your therapy sessions would be 1-hour long, and would be at the same time & day each week - this is your dedicated time especially for you. Therapy for bereavement and grief is available in 6-session and 12-session packages. 


Wherever you are in your grief journey, I am here to support you. Please get in touch via email, phone, or my contact form or book a free 15-minute introductory chat at a time to suit you. I look forward to accompanying you on your journey.

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